Man being arrested saves cops life!

Here we see two human men, on two different sides of the law. Plot twist, the one enforcing the law starts choking on his gum during the arrest and becomes completely disabled. The human being arrested is really tested here and all I can say is kudos to you sir. Despite his adverse circumstances, he acknowledges that the man choking is not just a cop but a human life at risk, one which he could potentially save. In this case his quick decision making does not go unrewarded, watch and see ☺️.

WE all walk different paths, let US remember to always care for one another ❤️. I believe WE should treat each other with love, compassion and forgiveness. Nobody is perfect, how does it go? “Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone”. Being a human is great, helping others is noble and lifts everyone’s spirits; here it instantly saved a life. Let US work together to achieve higher consciousness for ALL and a pleasant, positive reality for HUMANITY. WE DESERVE IT, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN and ALL of the ones yet to be born in the future.

🎤🎶Noble 8 fold pathhh work it, leave a better world for tha children cuz they worth it! 👧👶🌎 🎤🎶

Peace and Love for the win <3

RebelBuddha432 ‎
RebelBuddha432 ‎
be kind, be grateful. peace and love. 🌱

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