Operation Popeye – Weather Modification in the Vietnam war

Scrolling through Reddit earlier a post pertaining weather control implemented by the Department of Defense during the Vietnam war caught my eye, wait what? Yes, during the war the US Air Force carried out Operation Popeye: a cloud seeding program that extended Vietnam’s monsoon season, causing landslides and softening road surfaces making it more difficult to restock North Vietnamese military supplies. Operation Popeye was deemed “outstandingly successful” after exceeding expectations in many ways, such as impacting 82% of tainted clouds, raining nine inches in just four hours, rendering vehicle routes and completely halting vehicle traffic in some areas. Interesting content, and definitely some food for thought. If science like this was happening in the 1960’s, think of the technology accessible today. This is only one of many projects involving weather control/modification that has occurred in our world, there’s a lot more information to be found on this subject. Educate yourself, live free.

Cloud seeding can be done by ground generators, plane, or rocket.



sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose so all the while til I'm gone make my words important so if I slip away, if I die today, the last thing you remember won't be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur ...THE PRAYER.. educate yourself, live free. <3

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