A Pranayama Technique Given by Paramahansa Yogananda for Controlling Emotions | Brother Chidananda

SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda sheds light on how you can control emotions: After conceiving of emotions as “currents of energy,” you can then apply the highly effective “spiritual first aid” of an easy-to-follow pranayama (life energy control) technique taught by Paramahansa Yogananda—whenever “there is an unwanted emotional state that you are trying to free your consciousness from.” “The science of Kriya Yoga is so effective because it deals with that subtle prana, that subtle life force, which is the animating energy in the nervous system, in the whole body,” Brother Chidananda says. He then explains that gaining control of this energy is vital to gaining control of one’s emotions, which in turn is essential to our well-being. “Paramahansaji said actually that control of emotions is the key to health and happiness.” This excerpt is from Brother Chidananda’s closing talk at a 2019 weekend program on Paramahansaji’s Kriya Yoga teachings in Mumbai, India. The technique that Brother Chidananda presents is one of the techniques taught in the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, a home-study course available to all interested spiritual seekers.

To learn more about the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons: https://yogananda.org/lessons

To watch Brother Chidananda’s full talk in Mumbai: https://yogananda.org/blog/satsanga-w…
To learn more about the Kriya Yoga path of meditation: https://yogananda.org/kriya-yoga-path… #pranayama #ControllingEmotions #KriyaYoga #LifeEnergy #NervousSystem

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