Joe Rogan Experience #1470 – Elon Musk

Joe Rogan sits down with Elon Musk for 2 hours on his podcast. From what I have seen I think Elon Musk is great, however I do have some concerns with consciousness control on his nueralink chips in the brain pushing towards the consciousness transfers into robot bodies when it comes to the Satellites he is throwing up into space for free internet. I say this coming from a Commercial IT Tech contractor background and serial entrepreneur with ventures relating to Hardware/Data Centers/Satellites and understanding what else would be capable as far as backdoors to said cyborg bodies with consciousness inside of them. Plus there is also the fact I have had a dream/vision showing what could happen with drones having poisonous darts on them that are toxic to human bodies which would be a move to scare people into said consciousness transfers into cyborg bodies. I dont like it one bit but I dreamed this right after being shown the nueralink and parts of this interview. I think we all must be weary and consider this as a logical warning of potential security risks with other ill intent forces at play. Regardless of how things look on a surface level, I think its important to remember….hmmmm….Lets think Romans, “TROJAN” Horse (AKA in hacking TROJAN Horse Backdoor virus..been around forever)…bringing into the castle via nice acceptable desired way but with malicious intent…. the attackers within or in a technical sense the backdoor/malicious code tucked in unknown to the user. HELLO. I’m not saying this is his intent but it would be very easy for something like him throwing all these satellites up for “broadband for everyone” then get people with his brain chips in for helping there bodies walk etc., transferring consciousness to the cyborg bodies, then it either a. being hacked and hacker having control of all these people to have them do as they please mindlessly with no control or B. Elon trying to take over the world working with any said list of other evil forces at play. do we really even need to name them all at this point? Me personally I believe no matter what as Sadhguru said, GOD writes the master plan and none of you all can do anything to stop it, no matter how much power or control you think you have, you will never be able to overrule the creator AKA the one that put YOU here. Best wishes and have a nice day <3 Rebel Buddha

P.S. it would be great if you would stop arresting people who speak out against you and removing videos about corona sharing real views from real DRs and medical personell who dont jive with your program>>> ?>#$ always and forever <3 Rebel Buddha

oh yeh one last thing.. what about that movie Kingsmen where Samuel L. Jackson was gonna take over the world with cell phones, offering FREE cell service to everyone??? hmmm…. I think we can all see whats potential to happen here. Be careful and protect yourself, we can all coexist harmoniously, dont let your mind be hijacked. Seek Truth, Seek Information, have an open mind and decide for yourself what you believe. We are all Gods and manifesting together, don’t sell yourself short.

RebelBuddha432 ‎
RebelBuddha432 ‎
be kind, be grateful. peace and love. 🌱

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